Sunday, May 07, 2006

Doing The Elf


So there's this commission that's waaaaaaaaay overdue now (sorry Richard!). I've put it off again and again and it's time to get cracking on it. Fair enough, I took it on just before we moved house and had son #3 and in the ensuing chaos, thought it justifiable that I was late delivering this piece. But that was about 18 months ago now (!).

Richard's been great about waiting for so long without so much as a complaint. But a deal's a deal and it's time to uphold my end. So here we go.

It's not that I haven't done anything at all about this Sylvan Elf & His Horse commission piece, I have. Not being a huge fantasy geek, I've looked up reference material for elves, horses and forests and done sketch after sketch trying to get myself into the right headspace for this (note that I know it sounds like I made this monumental effort over this weekend, but in truth I've been researching and sketching in dribs and drabs on and off for the last 18 months - GAK!). And now, finally, after pages and pages of sketches trying to make headway with this and ending up spinning my wheels and going nowhere, I finally hit a pose I think is strong enough for this piece. The sketch is presented below (click for a larger version). I quite like it and will use it as the basis for the next stage - blue lining!

Note the seam line running across the drawing. I actually originally meant for it to be a landscape-orientation piece ending at just below the belt line and as such, I had ended up drawing it right to the end of the paper. But I liked the pose so much, I decided to try extending it to a full figure to see if it would work. So I taped another piece of paper below it and continued drawing. Hence the seam.

Sketched in 2B mechanical pencil on marker paper. Black border done with a Pilot V Signature series pen.

Phew. OK, so figured out the elf to figure out how to pose the dang horse...


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